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Mental Health Ministry

Did You Know?
  • One in four persons sitting in our congregation has a family member struggling with mental health issues
  • One in ten children and youth has a serious mental illness condition
  • Fewer than one-third of adults and one-half of children who live with mental health needs receive any level of treatment in any one year
  • 60% of individuals with a mental health issue go first to a spiritual leader for help
  • We believe Ankeny First United Methodist Church can be and is becoming a more caring congregation for persons living with a mental illness and their family member(s). We are working together with other resources in our community toward the following goals:
  • crease awareness of mental illness and mental health needs in the community.
  • Encourage more mental health services to be available in Ankeny.
  • Sponsor educational meetings to de-stigmatize mental illness.
  • Provide a list of mental health resources to make available to those who need them
  • Actively communicate with the school board, city council, and legislature to increase support for mental health in the schools and in the community.
  • Provide spiritual resources for all affected by mental illness.
If you know someone who would like to help us work on these goals, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..