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United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

Know God: United Women in Faith gatherings include devotions, Bible study, prayer support, as well as a reading program. We seek to know God and follow His guidance as we fulfill our purpose.

Fellowship: CIrcle meetings offer a small group atmosphere where support and sisterhood is developed. In addition, events and programs are scheduled to be interesting and include all women of the church in a relaxed, educational, and social setting.

Mission: Women of all ages have the opportunity to invest their time, talents, and financial gifts to benefit women, children, and youth. Local, state, and world-wide mission efforts include pleasant group-building and fund-raising activities, pop tab collections, assembling health and school kits, sewing reusable diapers, and sorting donated clothing.

Below find the schedule of United Women in Faith activities, as well as the meeting times and places for their Circle Meetings.

Circle Meetings


Meeting Day / Time 


Uptown Ruth Circle 

2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm (6:00pm dinner before meeting)

Dannine Gnat, Barb Meckstroth, Kay Williams

Uptown Mary Circle

3rd Tuesday of the month, 9:30am  

Holly Szcodronski

Uptown Circle of Christian Sisters               

3rd Monday of the month, 2:00pm 

Joyce Norton


4th Monday of the month, 1:00-3:00pm (except May & Dec.) 

JoAnn Orthel

If you are intersted in joining one of our UMW circles and learning more about United Methodist Women, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 515.710.4761.

Schedule of Activities

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.