Current Employment Opportunities

Campus Connection & Care Coordinator

At Ankeny First, we believe that connection—with God and one another—is at the heart of discipleship. To strengthen these connections, we are introducing two part-time positions, one for each campus. These roles will focus on building relationships while offering flexibility in responsibilities based on the strengths and gifts of those hired. Each position will range from 20-25 hours per week, with adaptability to align with both the candidate’s skills and the church’s needs. Click HERE for full description. Application form link can be found HERE. (Applications may also be mailed to Ankeny First UMC, 206 SW Walnut Street, Ankeny IA 50023. Attn: Pastor Lana Williams).

Seniors Exercising Together (SET) Instructor

Are you or someone you know a certified fitness instructor? We are looking to add an instructor to our SET community at the CLC.  Please contact our fitness director for more information!