His NAME Shall Be Called

December 1 - Wonderful Counselor (Hope)
John 4:1-42
Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor, offering divine wisdom, healing, and comfort beyond human understanding. Just as He guided the Samaritan woman at the well, He meets us with truth and compassion to transform our lives. Therefore, we trust in the One whose counsel brings hope and healing.
December 8 - Mighty God (Love)
John 20:24-29
The baby in the manger is Mighty God, the Lord of all creation, whose power was revealed in His resurrection. He reigns with authority over life and death, inviting us to trust in His love and strength. Therefore we celebrate the love of the One who holds all power in His hands.
Dececember 15 - Everlasting Father (Joy)
John 14:6-11
Jesus, our Everlasting Father, embodies the heart of God with compassion, provision, and protection. His care brings lasting joy, offering us security and belonging that stretches into eternity. Therefore we rejoice in the eternal care of the Father who never leaves us.
December 22 - Prince of Peace (Peace)
Philippians 4:6-7
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, invites us to lay down our anxieties and bring everything to God in prayer. As Isaiah foretold, this peace is not fleeting but eternal, rooted in Christ’s reign of justice and righteousness. In relationship with Jesus, we discover the unshakable peace found in the Prince of Peace.