Lenten Stations "Bear Witness"
March 9 - Betrayal & Arrest
Matthew 26:47-56
Betrayal is a powerful word with deep roots in trust. As we study Judas’ actions and bear witness to Jesus’ response, our aim isn’t to vilify Judas but to humanize his betrayal. That will allow us to ask ourselves whether or not we are walking on a path leading to similar behaviors or on a path that follows Jesus.
March 16 - Denial
Matthew 26:69-75
Peter’s denial of Jesus leaves him weeping at his own behavior. How do we deny Jesus today? Bearing witness to Jesus is more than just knowing who he is. Bearing witness and being WITH Jesus means that we stay close enough to be “sentenced” with him as well.
March 23 - Mocked with Thorns
Matthew 27:24-31
With the knowledge/belief we have in Jesus, it might feel like a stretch to say that we would crown Jesus with thorns on His head. But as we bear witness, we can observe the audacity and misguided nature of the mob and soldiers, all while asking ourselves why we would ever worship anyone BUT Jesus.
March 30 - Carrying a Cross
John 19:16b-22; Matthew 16:21-26
Bearing witness to Jesus on the cross BEFORE our typical “Good Friday” services is a reminder that we still have more of the story to learn/hear/experience. Carrying our own cross and walking next to Jesus is an appropriate way to honor Jesus’ teachings and remember his sacrifice for us.
April 6 - Prayer & Forgiveness
Luke 23:33-43
Bearing witness to Jesus praying that those who are harming Him might be forgiven is a powerful reminder that we should drop “crosses” like grudges and personal pride, and pick up crosses like humility and self-sacrifice.
April 13 - Triumph & Death
Matthew 21:6-11; Mark 15:33-39
Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem and then sacrificially breathes his last. The last week of Jesus’ life is bookended with different kinds of people worshipping and realizing exactly who Jesus is. We are called not just to bear witness but to yield our understandings and our life to God.