Come With Me
January 5 - Worship With Me
John 1:43-51
Jesus’ ministry began with the powerful worship experience of his baptism. He began to invite other followers, who in turn invited more followers. This week, we read the story of Philip, who met Jesus and immediately invited Nathanael, who put up immediate resistance, as people sometimes do when they are invited. Philip simply said, “Come and see,” Nathanael did, and Nathanael worshiped, too! The lesson is clear. When we meet Jesus and he changes us, we want others to have that experience. When they accept the invitation, they often have their own experience of God’s love!
January 12 - Connect With Me
Mark 2:1-12
Worship fills our hearts with love for God and is transformed into love for our neighbor. In this week’s story, a paralyzed man had a generous community surrounding him. They loved him enough to fight through obstacles to get him to Jesus for healing. People in our lives can be lonely or hurting. We can offer not only our own presence, but bring them into the presence of others and even into the presence of Jesus. Often, the healing Jesus brings through these connections is greater than physical or psychological healing. Jesus can bring spiritual healing through the forgiveness of sins in these connections.
January 19 - Respond With Me
Mark 6:6-12
The key to bringing people with you is making available what you have. You are connected to Jesus in worship and you can offer that connection by inviting others. You are in a loving community and can open it—and the healing power of Jesus—to them through invitation. In today’s reading, the disciples were sent into the world to offer more than just what they have naturally. They offer what God has given them supernaturally and the disciples went and healed and proclaimed the good news. We have the opportunity to make everything we have and everything God has given us available to God’s service. We can offer not only our own gifts and resources, but we can give others the opportunity to offer what they have as Jesus multiplies the ministry.
January 26 - Walk With Me
1 John 2:3-6; Psalm 34:1-3
The word “walk” is used throughout the Bible as a metaphor for a lifestyle. The Method shapes us to live like Jesus, obeying Jesus’ main commandments to love God and one another. Following the Method is a beginning to walking as Jesus walked. We are then invited to bring others with us, continuing the cycle ever closer to Jesus. To know God is to love God and other people. The generous act of inviting others to come with us on this journey not only allows the people in our lives to discover who God is; it allows us to participate even more deeply in the Love that God is. So come, magnify the LORD with me. Let us exalt his name together!